C h i o s  S o c i e t y
Of Greater Washington DC


            Maria Stefanias       - President
	    John Costalas         - Vice President  
            Kay Matthews          - Teasurer
            Pete Likouris         - Recording Secretary
	    Olga Soukas           - Corresponding Secretary    

       Board Members
            John Costalas
            Angela Costalas
	    Bela Feketekuty
	    Vaso Fineskos
	    Georgia Karamalikis
            Filly Kostatos
	    Pete Likouris
            Kay Matthews
            Popi Mereos
	    Diamondo Monis
            Anastasia Orfanoudis
            George Psillos
            Olga Soukas
            Maria Stefanias
            Georgia Volakis

       Spiritual Advisor

            Rev. Fr. Dimitrios J.  Antokas

       Web IT

            Bela Feketekuty

       Supreme Governor, Maryland-Washington D.C
       Chios Societies of the Americas and Canada
           Diamondo Monis
	   Georgia Volakis (Honorary)
       Public Relations/Social Media Officer
       Chios Societies of the Americas and Canada
           Maria Stefanias

       Maria Stefanias interviewed on Greek TV		   

Group pictures of Chiotes at the 2023 Picnic held at Carderock Regional Area Pavilion located near Potomac, Maryland.

Group pictures of Chiotes at the 2022 Picnic held at Carderock Regional Area Pavilion located near Potomac, Maryland.

Please note that we will display this photo in the phamphet published for the 2022 National Chios convention

Group pictures of Chiotes at the 2021 Picnic held at St. Theodore's Greek Orthodox Church Hall in Lanham, Maryland.

Group picture of Chiotes at the 2019 Picnic held at Tuckerman Lane Group Picnic Area in Potomac, Maryland.

Group pictures of Chiotes at the 2018 Picnic held at St. Theodore's Greek Orthodox Church Hall in Lanham, Maryland.

Group pictures of Chiotes at the 2017 Picnic held at St. Theodore's Greek Orthodox Church Hall in Lanham, Maryland.

Group picture of Chiotes at the 2016 Picnic held at St. Theodore's Greek Orthodox Church Hall in Lanham, Maryland.

Group picture of Chiotes at the 2015 Picnic held at St. Theodore's Greek Orthodox Church Hall in Lanham, Maryland.

Group picture of Chiotes at the 2014 Picnic held at St. Theodore's Greek Orthodox Church Hall in Lanham, Maryland.

Group picture of Chiotes at the 2013 Picnic held at a park in Virginia

Group picture of Chiotes at the 2012 Picnic held at St. Theodore's Greek Orthodox Church Hall in Lanham, Maryland.

Group picture of Chiotes at the 2011 Picnic