C h i o s  S o c i e t y
Of Greater Washington DC
The Chios Society of Greater Washington DC
  promotes our common Chios heritage. We schedule events to promote the culture, traditions, history and cuisine of the Greek island of Chios.                                                                             

The 2024 Chios Society membership drive is in full swing. Your donations are tax deductible.
Download 2024 Membership Form.  Please note that this is a PDF file    

A great article about Chios in the Huffingtonpost      See our Chios Facebook page.

Upcoming Events
(as of May 27, 2024)

The Chios Society of Greater Washington DC
will host the 67th National Chian Convention in Washington D.C.

October 11-13, 2024

Please click on the hyperlinks below to get more information

Most up to date information about the
National Chian Convention in Washington D.C.

Sponsorship/ads for the National Chian Convention

Hotel Reservations

Purchase tickets for events

Questions? Email us at info@chios2024dc.org

Other Events

(as of January 12, 2024)

Centuries old windmills near the sea